Service Topics Archive for 2006-2007

June 2007

Sunday, June 3, 10:30am- “Crossing the Threshold”- It’s that time again—the time when we honor our terrific group of youth who are “coming of age” and crossing the threshold into young adulthood.  This service will highlight the 2-year long journey that our COA youth have taken with teachers, mentors and parents, culminating in statements of faith, tributes and gifts.  It’s such an important milestone in the lives of these youth and their families.  Please join us for this special celebration. Dr. Waun and Kathy Begg will facilitate.

Sunday, June 10, 10:30am- “Flowers Fulfilled”- In the UU child dedication ceremony we are told that whether a flower fulfills itself or not; whether it comes into full bloom or not depends upon the care and nurture it receives.  On this annual Flower Communion Sunday we will reflect again upon our own individuality and growth with a time of interactive sharing from our sense of lifetime journey and fulfillment. Dr. Waun will facilitate.  Please bring a stemmed flower as an offering.

Sunday, June 17, 10:30am- "The Changing Face of Fatherhood"- Gone are the days when most dads were sole breadwinners, most moms were homemakers, and most people assumed that "Father Knows Best."  How have fathers changed to meet the demands of our contemporary world, and what does it mean to be a good dad today?  On Father's Day, Brenda Shiring looks at shifting roles and expectations for dads, stepdads, foster dads, and granddads (and other father figures) in the 21st century.

Sunday, June 24, 10:30am- The Macro and the Micro"- The universe is a puzzle, where it's come from, where it's going and what's happening in the meantime.  String theory has possibly given us an answer, but it’s unproveable.  So where does that leave us?  And can we do anything about it?  Join Dave Schwartz for this interesting program.

May 2007

Sunday, May 6, 10:30am - Dr. Waun will speak on “Faith Without Certainty” –from the book by the same name by UU professor Dr. Paul Rasor.  As UUs, we have different ways of speaking about “faith” and “beliefs” because we have no set creed or required statement of faith to belong to our churches.  Dr. Rasor will be coming to Pittsburgh in November as part of a cluster event, and this program will help to prepare us for his visit.

Sunday, May 13, 10:30am –“Materialism from an Anthropological Perspective” - join Cathy Serventi and Jenifer Trout Osborne as they review Cultural Materialism, a theory articulated by Marvin Harris.  Cultural Materialism predicts the structure of culture based on the method of extracting resources from the environment.  This theory offers an alternative to Paternalism being the proverbial root of all evil. Enjoy a different perspective on gender politics to contemplate on Mother's Day.

Sunday, May 20, 10:30 am –“Leo Strauss and the Neoconservatives" -- Glenn Klepac will speak about Leo Strauss (1899-1973), a professor of political philosophy at the University of Chicago .  Professor Strauss taught his students to revere the values of ancient Greek philosophy.  Modern neoconservatives including several members of the Bush administration credit Professor Strauss for promoting devotion to country and for his criticisms of liberalism.

Sunday, May 27, 10:30am – “Chanting” - Bill Dunham offers a service of chanting to remember the sacrifice of those who have gone before us.  This services promises to be very moving and meditative.  It will include drums played quietly and reverently.  Bill's energy and voice are sure to touch your heart and create a wondrous synergy between us all.

April 2007

Sunday, April 1, 10:30am -“Rising to a New Level”- On this April Fool’s Day we will have some fun looking at numbers and while we’re at it, we will play the ESUUC version of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”—no fooling!  Dr. Waun will lead the service.

Sunday, April 8, 10:30am - Easter Sunday-The season of Easter is an appropriate time to look again at the stories and metaphors that give meaning to the life and death of Jesus.  What could this mean to UUs?  Dr. Waun’s presentation “Telling the Story of Jesus for Today” draws ideas from Marcus Borg’s work on the “earlier understandings” vs. the “emerging understandings” of Easter, the early church and current religious struggles in the U.S.   All children will stay in the sanctuary with the adults today.

Sunday, April 15, 10:30am – “One form of Duality” - Pam Alexander, local artist, author, speaker, dream interpretation instructor and Shake Your Soul leader, will speak about how we have been taught to see life as though there were two sides to most things... good vs bad, or good vs. evil, heaven and hell, positive and negative, us vs them, win-lose, etc. The "higher truth" suggests that maybe this isn't true. If we can approach life without the judgement that creates duality then we can relax into the moment and experience it without so much fear and resistance. Hopefully, this will lead us into a place of unity consciousness and peace.

Sunday, April 22, 10:30am "Earth Day" - Andrew Weber will explore a religious meaning of Earth Day and how we can see the Divine in all existence.  Andrew is training to be a UU Minister and is a member of Allegheny Church .  He was a very important member of our group who traveled to  Romania and  Hungary last summer.  He spoke excellent Hungarian, because he had spent a lot of time there working with Habitat for Humanity.

Sunday, April 29, 10:30am – “Amarillis” - Wear your dancing shoes as we learn how traditional music and dance build community in the spirit of our 7th principle. Donna Isaac and Allison Thompson from “Amarillis” will be here to entertain and teach a dance or two.  They play fiddle and concertina, respectively, in an authentic old time Appalachian style.  

March 2007

Sunday, March 4, 10:30am-“Eastern Energy”-  It seems that more and more people who are either considered “churched”, “pre-churched” or “church free” are being attracted to the practices of eastern religions. Dr. Waun will explore this attraction. What is it, and how are its various facets manifested in western culture and religion?

Sunday, March 11, 10:30am- BIRTH ORDER:  The Interdependent Web of Family and Personal Relationships” – Our family position strongly influences our personality, who we marry, how we work with others, and our choice of friends.  The oldests will feel bound to come, the youngests will dispute what is said, but this program is for the middles and onlies also. Led by Michael Gruber and Mary Phan-Gruber.

Sunday, March 18, 10:30am- Search for the Goddess/sacred feminine” - Maureen McHugh will lead this service that will affirm and celebrate the Feminine Divine and will include personal and societal reasons for the need for the Goddess/Sacred Feminine.

Sunday, March 25, 10:30am- "Leading to Revelation"  (note change in program)  A different kind of revelation than that of the last book in the Bible is communication from Creator to created--us!  What helps us to prepare for that experience of peace and joy?

Nancy Fitzgerald, Commissioned Lay Leader, fills in as our scheduled speaker.

February 2007

Sunday, February 4, 10:30am - “Isms and Schisms”-  It is often said today that the straight, white western male has the most unearned, inborn privileges. Is this still true? What are some of the “isms” in our present day culture that would lead someone to think this way? Dr. Waun will elaborate on a topic that unpacks some of these disparities.

Sunday, February 11, 10:30am - “Love Makes a Family”- On this Sunday before Valentine’s Day we are delighted to welcome a person who bubbles over with loving energy and has a unique story to share.  Mr. Don Hammonds will tell us some of the pathways and pitfalls he has experienced with his partner Joey while raising three children in Edgewood .  Don is the Auto Editor for the Post Gazette and is attending Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.

Sunday, February 18, 10:30am - “We Are Part of OMD”- Gerard Katilius, past president of ESUUC,  is the Small Congregation Resource Liaison for the Ohio-Meadville District.  He will share with us what he has learned about the structure and future of our O-M District, and what it means for our Church.

Sunday, February 25, 10:30am- “Darwin Remembers”-  Charles Darwin, as portrayed by Dr. David Campbell, looks back over his life, thinking out loud as well as hearing voices from his past that were part of his life and work, as he formulated the theory that changed the world forever.  This live performance, sponsored by Carnegie Science Center and The Center for Inquiry Community of Pittsburgh, is very much in the tradition of one man/one woman shows and provides an overall understanding of Darwin .  

January 2007

Sunday, January 7, 10:30 am“The Beat Goes On”- the beat of African drums is heard in an outlying village where disadvantaged children make beautiful music in a concert to support their school. This is one of the activities of the African Rural Schools Foundation support ed by our congregation. Ken Noble and Dr. Waun will bring us up to date on the ongoing vision there in Uganda , based on Ken’s recent volunteer trip to the ARSF. He will share from his experience of the growing project and its people.

Sunday, January 14, 10:30 am“US Policy in Iraq ” - What should US policy be in Iraq in light of the November Congressional Elections and the "civil war" there?  How can you contact your member of Congress to register your views?  Rosa Thompson, Jerry Lilly and Tom Bailey will each give their ideas on these topics.  We will welcome you to share your views also.

Sunday, January 21, 10:30 amUnderstanding Fundamentalism" - During the last decade of national elections, Christian fundamentalists have joined with mainstream conservatives to elect Republican majorities in congress and the White House.  These fundamentalists may seem strange and unapproachable to those on the other end of the social and religions spectrum, and the reverse is true as well.  UUs may say "I respect their beliefs, but they don't respect mine", while fundamentalists may say "You don't understand me at all.  Your blithe presumption that 'all faiths are equal' is profoundly disrespectful to my beliefs."  Is there any way that UUs can understand and truly respect fundamentalists?  Brien Palmer's answer may surprise and challenge you.

Sunday, January 28, 10:30am- “Pancake Breakfast” - Come eat pancakes cooked by the menfolk and enjoy a Healthy Food Potluck Buffet at the same time. Everybody please bring an item of healthy food, vaguely breakfast oriented, to share.  

December 2006

Sunday, December 3, 10:30 am“Branching Out”-on this, the culmination of ESUUC’s  40th anniversary year observance, we wrap up the celebration by honoring those former members who have returned for the weekend of festivities and reflecting on our history once again.  As part of the program, Dr. Waun will offer the sermon she preached in Kopec, Transylvania last summer, and Commissioned Lay Leader Nancy Fitzgerald will bring final “Fabulous Forty” thoughts.

Sunday, December 10, 10:30 am“Strong Hands”- Judith Avers will be making the drive all the way from the farthest reaches of West Virginia to grace us with another musical program of her songs accompanied by guitar.  Always reinventing herself, Judith keeps finding new ways to express her inner self with her music and lyrics, and she loves being around UUs because she finds us to be kindred spirits.  Visit her website for a complete biography, photos, news and popular albums for sale.  You won’t want to miss this program!

Sunday, December 17, 10:30 am“One Earth, One Home” - Sharon Pillar, a fellow Unitarian Universalist, is the Global Warming Outreach Coordinator for Western Pennsylvania for PennFuture (  After the viewing of "An Inconvenient Truth", many of us in our congregation spoke with Sharon and were moved to act. We are all entrusted with the well-being of the earth, and ensuring that the web of all existence is balanced. Sharon will be able to shed light on what is happening locally and globally, what needs to happen, and what we can do to affect change for our earth, our lives and the future generations that are to come.

Sunday, December 24, 10:30 amWorld Premiere: ” - On December 24 (Christmas Eve) during service, members of the congregation will be performing an original play by Dave Schwartz entitled Bethlehem Beat.  It is set in December of the year Jesus is born and tells the story of a reporter who is in investigating rumors about the birth of the Christ child.  Hope you can come.

Sunday, December 24, 7:30 pmChristmas Eve” - This will be an informal service of readings, Christmas carols and a story entitled The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree. As part of this annual observance, we ask you to bring an angel ornament or decoration that holds some sentimental significance for you, that we might share stories of our own perfect Christmases of the past.  The singing of Silent Night with handheld candles is part of this endearing service.

Sunday, December 31, 10:30 amThe Yin Yang in Traditional Chinese Culture” - The Taoist symbol of the balance between the Yin and Yang forms the backbone of much of Eastern spiritual thought.  Dr. Jun Deng will discuss how it is used to create a sense of balance in the individual and in the culture at large.  Start off 2007 in balance and help to keep your world and our world that way!  

November 2006

Sunday, November 5, 10:30 am Transylvania Memories”-  There are five people from our congregation who made the Heritage Pilgrimage to Transylvania , Romania and Hungary in August to meet our partner congregation in Kopec, and to visit historic Unitarian sites.  Did you know that there is a Unitarian Bishop?  That there is a Unitarian catechism?  Dr. Waun will be joined by Nancy Fitzgerald , Marylyn Devlin, Jean and Bob Robl to present their impressions.  This is also the first Sunday after All Souls Day, where we remember all those friends and family members who have died since this time last year, so please be prepared to offer their names during a special time of tribute.

Sunday, November 12, 10:30 amThree Expressions of Spiritual Perspectives" - A panel will share a glimpse of what is sometimes called "spiritual formation"--formative events and the religious or spiritual meaning we took from them.  Hear from Frank Nemeth, Bill Culp and Nancy Fitzgerald .

Sunday, November 19, 10:30 am“Stone Soup Sunday”- This is the Sunday when we traditionally have a “stone soup” lunch after worship to focus on hunger awareness in our world.  Please bring a soup ingredient ALREADY PREPARED and ready to go into the soup!  This year our observance is going to be even more special than ever, as our morning program will be a mini-musical called (of course) “Stone Soup”, directed by Dr. Waun. It is the story of a sleepy, grumpy village that learned all about becoming cheerful in their sharing and caring from three travelers with magic stones in a sack.

Sunday, November 26, 10:30 am“Reset Before the December Holidays” - Before you plunge headlong into the holiday rush, take time out and drum for thanks.  Bill Dunham and Jenifer Trout Osborne will host this drumming circle to help us "push the reset button" after Thanksgiving and prepare to face the December holidays with hearts full of love, peace, joy and thankfulness.  As with all ESUUC drumming events, no experience is needed and all ages are welcome.  We have plenty of drums to share.  Vocal participation and creative movement (dancing) are also loved and celebrated!

October 2006

Sunday, October 1, 10:30 am“Launching a Coming of Age Year”-Another wonderful group of youth is entering the Coming of Age program on this Sunday.  Dr. Waun and Kathy Begg will facilitate this important intergenerational kick-off service.

Sunday, October 8, 10:30am -"Sharing Secrets of Healthy Relationships." Linda Bazan, PhD licensed psychologist and therapist from The Relationship Shop will be here to present Imago relationship theory, which is a tried and true method of working with couples and groups in a profoundly life changing way. For more information about the speaker and the theory, visit We will also have a brief time of commissioning for Ken Noble as he prepares to do volunteer work in Uganda .

Sunday, October 15, 10:30 am“The End of Faith”   In the midst of religious revival, three scholars have written books arguing that atheism is smarter. George Ratliff will examine the best known of these books,  "The End of Faith" by Sam Harris. He writes: "Our situation is this: most of the people in the world believe that the Creator of the universe has written a book. We have the misfortune of having many such books on hand, each making an exclusive claim as to its infallibility. ....We have been slow to recognize the degree to which religious faith perpetuates man's inhumanity to man. ...I hope to show that the very ideal of religious tolerance--born of the notion that every human being should be free to believe whatever he wants about God--is one of the principal forces driving us toward the abyss."

Sunday, October 22, 10:30 amRoasted Cow Corn Kernels” - Is there a purpose or mission for Unitarian Universalists?  Are we more than just a social club or ethical society?  Are we meant to make this a better world?  If so, how?  Join us as we welcome back one of our favorite visiting ministers: the Rev. Kate Walker from the UU Church in Meadville , PA.

Sunday, October 29, 10:30 am“What to Do About Death?” - Is there a good time to talk about "End of Life Issues?"  Or to think about them?  Are you good on the subject in the abstract, but not so good when it's your "end of life" that is up for discussion?  How did you feel when Terri Schiavo's name was dominating the news?  Are you old enough to remember Karen Quinlin?  Does this have anything at all to do with being a Unitarian Universalist?  Sibyl McNulty, a lawyer and a person who sometimes thinks about stuff like this, will attempt to answer some of these questions and raise others, and will also provide some very practical advice for those of you who swore, a year and a half ago, that you would finally write that living will.  

September 2006

Sunday, September 3, 10:30 am“ESUUC Picnic in the Park” -  Please join us for the annual Potluck Picnic at Bear Hollow Park (in Heather Highlands )! Come at the usual time for a short service from Rev. Waun, then stay and picnic to your heart's content.  .  We will begin with a chalice lighting, sharing our joys and concerns and a “Common Bowl Discussion” on the theme of Work (a Labor Day theme) led by Dr. Waun in the pavilion.

Sunday, September 10, 10:30 am“Fabulous Forty Kickoff”- this is our annual Water Communion service but it will also be the kickoff Sunday for the fortieth anniversary celebration of East Suburban UUC, which was chartered in October 1966.  Dr. Waun and Commissioned Lay Leader Nancy Fitzgerald (Anniversary Chair) will co-officiate.  Remember to bring a small vessel of water from your summer adventures for the ritual.

Sunday, September 17, 10:30 amEast Suburban UU Church's History-Gram!” - Come add your (his/her)story in East Suburban, whether it's brand new or well seasoned.  This history-gram program, led by Brien Palmer and Nancy Fitzgerald , solicits stories and your place in the line of friends and members.  What about our church is part of you? 

Sunday, September 24, 10:30 amThe Gospel of Thomas”- In 1945, the complete Gospel of Thomas was found in Egypt .  It has been described as “arguably the single most important Christian archaeological discovery of the twentieth century.”  We’ll look at the circumstances of its finding, along with its implications for the understanding of early Christianity. 

August 2006

Sunday, August 6, 10:30 am“Drumming for Everyone” - Come for an all-drumming service that is family friendly! Bring your own drum or percussion instrument.  It's sure to be fun and exhilarating. No prior training necessary.  Facilitated by Jen Trout-Osborne.

Rev. Waun will be giving a sermon at the Kopec church worship service on Sunday, August 6.  The sermon text can be read here.

Sunday, August 13, 10:30 am  "The Seven Principles in Kids' Songs" - Join us in song! Rev. Renee Waun will share kids' songs that illustrate the Seven Principles.

Sunday, August 20, 10:30 am“Meditation”- Join us for an intergenerational service using various forms of meditation.  Led by Jennifer Halperin, ESUUC member and Director of Children and Youth Ministries at First Unitarian Church , Pittsburgh

If you are interested in learning how to build a labyrinth from sticks, you are welcome to help us set up at 7:30 pm the evening before.

Sunday, August 27, 10:30 am“Scavenger Hunt” - Join us for the nearly annual summertime scavenger hunt.  Maureen McHugh will once again be sending us out on a fun hunt that will also make us think.  

July 2006

Sunday, July 2, 10:30 am“Animal Blessing”- Dr. Waun presents this popular summer worship event where you may bring your favorite animal(s) to church for an intergenerational time of honoring and blessing the creatures with which we share our planet.

Sunday, July 9, 10:30 am“Schinchi Suzuki and the Suzuki Method” - In his book Nurtured By Love,  Schinchi Suzuki wrote, "...once born we must live with ourselves until the day we die. There arises, then the inevitable question of how to live. If our ability was not nurtured properly, we have to develop it for ourselves. Instead of being defeated by misfortune, we have to make something good of our lives.  There is no reason to give up in discouragement; it is possible for every person to improve himself." 

Dr. Suzuki is a violinist who founded the educational method called "Talent Education," which puts environment as the foremost condition in a person's success in any particular subject.  Brian Ogle will present a program about this important figure in the field of music education and hear young players performing music taught under the principles of this educational method.                                                                                                  

Sunday, July 16, 10:30 amWhere We Stand” -  One of our traditions is to have a service every few years that lets everyone in the congregation take a stand, literally. We form a line in the church with opposite views at the ends of the line and moderate or neutral views spread in between. If you have an issue you would like to see polled, notify George Ratliff.

Sunday, July 23, 10:30 amGetting the Call to Ministry When Your Phone Is On Mute" - We welcome to our pulpit Jeff Liebmann, a member of First Church and former member and President of our church.  He writes:  "Being a part of a church community can reveal many hidden paths in our lives.  When I reluctantly agreed to become a youth advisor, I never imagined I would be entering seminary and pursuing Unitarian Universalist Ministry.  I will share with you my experience of being called to the ministry and how my work with our youth inspired that call."  A FAMILY FRIENDLY SERVICE.

Sunday, July 30, 10:30 am“Family Improv (Improvisation, that is)” - In a time-honored tradition, we will be doing paper bag skits. Our theme this year is the Seven Principles. Mary Kukura-Straw will be bringing props.  Addition props are always welcome.  This program is for the entire family.

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Last modified: June 24, 2007